ClearCorrect is the clear and simple alternative to braces.
It’s a series of clear, custom-made, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth as you wear them, each aligner moving your teeth just a little bit at a time.
They’re practically invisible, so most people won’t even know you’re in treatment, they fit you perfectly, so they’re more comfortable than regular braces, and they’re removable, so you can eat whatever you like and clean your teeth normally.
Ask your doctor for more information about ClearCorrect and what it can do for you.
Bone grafting is the procedure that can prevent the bone and soft tissue loss that normally occurs with tooth removal. It involves placing bone graft into the site following removal of a tooth.
The bone graft will maintain the bone height and width preserving the gum at the same time, leaving a better fitting of dental prostheses.
Perio Protect is a product to help treat gum disease at home. Gum disease can include pain, swollen, bleeding gums, bad breath, tooth and bone loss.
Perio Protect uses customized mouth trays to deliver a specially formulated treatment gel to teeth and gums suffering from gum disease. It is a certified FDA medical device.